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  • Blue Waters (Bill Kramer)

  • XSEDE (John Towns)
  • National Data Service
  • LSST (Large Synoptic Survey Telescope) (Athol Kemball and Don Petravick)
  • MidWest Big Data Hub (Melisa Melissa Cragin)


  • Research and Education (Gabrielle Allen)
    • Research Coordinator (Amanda Lombardo) 
    • Education Coordinator (Olena Kindratenko)
    • Theme Areas:
      • Most faculty, postdocs and students at NCSA will have appointments within one of the following six thematic areas.

      • Bioinformatics and Health Sciences (C. Victor Jongeneel)
      • Computing and Data Sciences (Gabrielle Allen)
      • Culture and Society (Donna Cox)
      • Earth and Environment (Shaowen Wang)
      • Materials and Manufacturing (Narayana Aluru)
      • Physics and Astronomy (Athol Kemball)
    • Coordination with Educational Programs
  • Integrated Cyberinfrastructure (Randy Butler)
    • Scientific Data Division
    • Scientific Software and Applications (Kenton McHenry)
    • Cybersecurity (Adam Slagell)
    • Scientific Computing Service (Daniel Lapine)
    • Center Network Engineering (Timothy Boerner)
    • Innovative Technologies and Services (Douglas Fein)
  • Economic and Societal Impact (Scott Wilkin)
    • Marketing and Public Affairs
    • New Business Development (Charles Wilkin)
    • Private Sector Program (Merle Giles)
    • Advancement & Government Relations (Charles Wilkin)
    • International Programs (Danny Powell)
    • Entrepreneurship (Charles Wilkin)


Administrative Support


Director's Office


Laura Owen (


4031), provides primary office support for the thematic areas, with Beth McKown (4100) as back up (with the exception of Deanna Spivey who is the back up for Culture and Society).

A full list of office support assignments is available on the NCSA Staff Resources wiki (accessible with an NCSA login)

Office Managers (To be completed)


Administrative Services

Below are listed some of the core administrative services at NCSA provided in the different departments. Depending on what you need, you should feel free to check with Laura Owen or Amanda Lombardo for advice on what help is available and where to get it. Note that expensive or time consuming activities may require funds and/or negotiation of availability etc.

  • Office Manager: Laura Owen (Most Primary for all theme areas), Deanna Spivey (back up for Culture and Society): The office managers will help you book and get reimbursed for NCSA related travel, reserve meeting spaces, find supplies for you or order supplies, equipment, pizza etc (assuming you have a budget code to charge it to!), fill out paperwork for new employees and students, and help advise you on how to do nearly everything. 
  • FacilitiesTedra Tuttle (Ground Floor, 1002A): Office keys, configuration of key cards, use of NCSA building, furniture requests. If you want to have white boards, monitors, pin boards etc hung in your office, this can be arranged through an appropriate office manager.
  • Public Affairs:  Kristin Williamson:  External External and internal communications, website design and development, design and production of promotional materials, media relations, event coordination and promotion (including event websites, registration forms, logistics, calls for participation, etc), tours of Blue Waters, Bytes and Pieces weekly NCSA newsletter, ACCESS external newsletter, design and production of promotional materials, copy-editing/proofreading, creation of graphics and info graphics, photography. Email news stories to the team at
  • Finance: Alan Dudley: pre-award (budget preparation for proposals, proposal submission, etc), post-award, accounting/statements, audit support, government costing compliance, cost-recovery rate development, software expertise (Banner, BA3, Excel), budgeting, staff planning and other financial issues. Email the finance office at 
  • Human Resources: Amy Dillman: recruiting and hiring NCSA-funded staff, postdocs and graduate students, appointment changes, visas. Note that if you have a 0% NCSA appointment, or are a sponsored guest, then your own HR issues (vacations, sick leave, salary, etc) should all be conducted through your home unit's office. 
  • Information Technology Services: Douglas Fein: desktop support, data backup, printers/copiers/fax, mailing lists, website hosting, issue tracking, wiki, FTP, AFS, version control servers, MySQL, wired/wireless networking, linux, jabber, portal development, internal administrative tools (MIS).
