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1.  Postdoc will be asked to assemble a mentoring committee within their first month.

2.  Each postdoc will have at least two mentors, one is the Principal Investigator or supervisor who evaluates their performance, another who is not involved with evaluation or promotion.

3.  The postdoc should initially discuss with their mentoring committee their plan of research, areas for personal development, and opportunities for broader engagement with NCSA etc. The postdoc should then write a short personal development plan.

4.  Postdocs will meet regularly with their mentors. If appropriate, the personal development plan should be amended to reflect new targets or needs. All changes should be coordinated with and approved by the PI/supervisor.

5.4. Training

There will be required training (ethics, lab safety, workplace respect, innovation) and optional development training (teaching, grant writing, presentation skills, management, computation). Plans for these will be developed and assessed through the personal development plan.

5.5. Support

A postdoc handbook will be developed to outline the support mechanisms available and relevant procedures and policies, e.g. orientation to NCSA, orientation to Champaign/USA, organization of social events, conflict resolution, etc. 

6. Postdoctoral Affairs at NCSA

The postdoctoral program at NCSA is organized through the Research and Education Division. A yearly report on postdoctoral activities will be provided each year to the Director’s Office. Postdoc activities undertaken at NCSA include:

1.  Coordinate the advertising of NCSA postdoctoral opportunities and recruitment of postdocs. (HR and RED)

2.  Coordinate the hiring of postdocs. (HR and RED)

3.  Development and coordination of Postdoc Program. (RED, Academic Council, HR)

4.  Development of policies for supervision of postdocs including mentoring, development plans, conflict resolution. (RED, Academic Council, work with Illinois Postdoc Office)

5.  Development and coordination of ongoing support mechanisms for postdocs. Includes developing postdoc handbook, support for travel and international visits, housing advice, orientation, training, social events, etc. (RED, HR, leverage campus office, work with Beckman and IGB)

6.  Development and coordination of assessment structure for the postdoc program, including alumni tracking. (RED, PA)

7. Develop mechanisms to encourage and support diversity in the postdoctoral program (RED, Senior Advisor on Diversity and Inclusion)


7. Theme Area Postdoctoral Fellows

Towards encouraging the development of strong, cohesive thematic areas at NCSA, the center is supporting a number of competitively recruited Theme Area Postdoctoral Fellows. These positions will typically be for two years, and will involve recruiting a postdoctoral researcher to catalyze interdisciplinary research in one or more areas of interest to the theme. It is encouraged to leverage other funds for these positions as appropriate. Elements of the process for advertising and recruiting these postdoctoral fellows are:

  • The process should be initiated and governed by the theme lead
  • An appropriate plan, and summary on the NCSA web pages, should be in place for the thematic area, identifying clear areas of interest and the involved faculty and staff
  • Plans should be discussed with the Associate Director for Research and Education to ensure that funds are available and e.g. timing is good.
  • All faculty and research staff involved in the theme should contribute towards the areas of interest listed in the advertisement for the postdoc position
  • A search committee should be assembled to represent the broad theme, at least one non-­theme member should be included. The search committee and advertisement should be approved by the Associate Director for Research and Education before the search starts. 


8. Additional Resources

The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs in the Graduate College at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ( offers a number of resources for UIUC postdoctoral researchers, including:

  • Professional Development Programs in Communication and Grant Writing; Scientific Management; and Preparing for a Research or Teaching Career;

  • Certificate Programs;

  • Graduate College Career Development Office;

  • Speakers and Social Events