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  • Jira
    serverNCSA Jira

    • Lengyue Chen will draft initial REST API to be implemented
    • Draft of REST API
    • 6/25 discussion
      • good initial draft
      • will deemphasize authn/z in alpha1
        • pass parms only if it is "free" in terms of time and complexity
        • attach username and project id to environments only if it is "free" as above
        • alpha2 or later will use these fields
      • will discuss more at next dev meeting
    • 6/26 more general discussion

  • Jira
    serverNCSA Jira

    • Unknown User (mfelarca) will demo existing web app at the developer meeting on Friday 6/26
    • 6/26 discussion
      • old app up and running on mario's dev system 
      • not connecting to yt-webapp
      • working with kacper on connectivity to yt-webapp problem

  • Jira
    serverNCSA Jira

    • Unknown User (mfelarca) will rename/redefine bitbucket hg repository yt-webapp to nds-web-services
    • the name of the nds-explorer repository does not change (this is the web user interface)
    • will be done by Monday 6/29

  • General NDS Explorer / NDS Web Services Design/Implementation Topics
    • NDS Explorer Design and Implementation
    • 6/22 No decision yet on how to store Environment or Service definition information
    • 6/26 discussion
      • use mongodb for store environment information
      • use flat file (not mongo) for service definitions – format of flat file to be proposed by Unknown User (mfelarca)
        • note previous input: ... having service definitions that can be expressed as JSON would be ideal, since that's readily and easily parseable (and constructable) in a fully client-side app.


  • Unknown User (mfreemon) is on vacation next week
  • Developer will continue to meet on the regular schedule
  • Goals for next week are
    • web service repo created and both (nds explorer and nds web services) repos made ready for active shared use
      • includes the "scaffolding" for our MEAN stack
    • first two pieces of functionality working end-to-end – from brower to explorer to web service to backend systems (openstack)
      • list environments
      • create environment
    • along the way, details will be worked out, such as
      • how we will be calling the python nova apis from our web services implementation
      • initial version of html pages
  • Unknown User (mfelarca) will publish notes on either Wed 7/1 or Thu 7/2