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All data in C3 is represented by a 'Type'. Data for a specific type can be 'fetched' from C3 using the 'fetch' API.
In each language, each Type has a 'fetch' function to which a FetchSpec Type can be passed. This function then retrieves
the data in a FetchResult Type which can be opened and used for data analysis.

Data Fetching Documentations if you are:

Fetching is governed by the FetchSpec Type and you can find full documentation of that type here. However,
as a simple API description, may not be particularly helpful at first. Generally, the FetchSpec type defines a set of
constraints to apply when gathering Type data. it can be 'empty' i.e. without constraints, but generally you'll
want to apply one or more to get reasonable results.

The most useful properties of the FetchSpec are:

  • filter: Defines an expression to evaluate for each type. When the expression evaluates as true, that type is fetched.
  • limit: Fetch only 'limit' results. Can be useful to debug a fetch which might grab a lot of results.
  • include: Define specific properties of the Type to include in the fetch result. If not defined, all properties will be grabbed.
  • order: An expression which defines the order to return the results in.

Here is a list of C3 documentation mentioning fetching:

  1. FetchSpec Documentation: Using Browser Developing Tools:
  2. Fetching in Python: -troubleshooting using Python Jupyter Notebook:
