Blog from December, 2010

Work Completed

  • Medici
    • Attended Monday staff meeting and it was determined I should apply the desktop fix for dropping files to collections to the 1.1 branch for a 1.1.1 release. This work was tracked by MMDB-1067. I implemented the fix and tested the desktop client. I also helped test the web client when Joe applied his fix for the drop applet.
    • Continued refining my desktop UI review by adding more possible views/perspectives to capture comments Joel made about the desktop client. I added text refining my comments and replying to others comments. I also tweaked some of the views and text describing each view on the implementation wiki page so we have good visuals to start discussion.
    • Attended the Friday December 17th design review and described my thoughts on how the desktop client can be improved. We also discussed the anonymous login options and I will need to tweak the design page based on feedback (e.g. slow connections will not want to forced to login to a server even anonymously).
  • MAEviz
    • Helped Jong redirect to the MAEviz wiki page

Work Planned

  • Medici
    • Check out 1.1 branch and add desktop fix for dropping files to collections. Test both desktop and web client which is applying a fix for the upload applet.
    • Work on UI design review implementation by proposing sketches for each view, add more possible views/perspectives and tweak the UI 's as necessary before Friday's review
    • Attend staff meeting on December 13th at 10am
    • Attend meeting on Friday December 17th from 2 - 3pm to discuss UI Design review


This week went as planned. I took 1/2 of a sick day for a doctor's appointment on December 17th.

Work Completed

  • Medici
    • Attended December 6th staff meeting via Skype
    • Created a wiki page outlining possible options for anonymous login and sent the link to Joel for review and to add his input. One question we will need to answer is do we create a single anonymous account or is every unauthenticated user anonymous and how do we support this?
    • Worked on and Resolved MMDB-1063, Import Datasets file browser is replaced by an import dataset wizard from the File menu under File -> Import > Datasets. The new UI also allows users to add the files to an existing collection. Comments are added to the code where we could improve/add functionality. I found and fixed a bug in our code introduced during our change to Post for uploading files. Dropping files on a collection no longer added them to the collection, it only imported them.
    • Updated the Desktop UI design wiki, added another UI sketch for the proposed add tag wizard

Work Planned

  • Medici
    • Attend December 6th Staff Meeting at 10am
    • Work with Joel and propose anonymous login strategies
    • Work on implementing wizard for importing datasets and in general, change dialog boxes to use wizards.


This week went as planned. Next week I plan to continue working on UI improvements for Medici and working on the anonymous login design with Joel.

Work Completed

  • Medici
    • While waiting for comments/feedback on suggested UI changes I tweaked my wiki review to clarify parts and add more comments
    • Traced UI code to better understand how Medici works and to prepare for tweaking the UI
    • Started sketching new/improved UI's. At Luigi's suggestion, I started posting them to another wiki page. I will continue that this week. I will also start working on improvements that won't require feedback (e.g. adding remove tag comand/handler to desktop client) and creating wizards for dialogs that should be handled by wizards (e.g. import dataset).
    • Attended staff meeting via skype

Work Planned

  • Medici
    • Review and add any additional comments/clarifications to UI review
    • Study Medici desktop UI code to better understand how Medici works
    • Begin sketching new UI's and layouts to get a baseline for making additional tweaks once others have commented on UI review
    • Attend staff meeting at 10am on Monday November 29th.


This week went mostly as planned. I thought I might receive feedback on my UI review, but time has prevented this from happening. I was able to start the UI sketches to work from once I get feedback and will enter Jira entries and start working on obvious improvements (see above).