Blog from April, 2010

Work Completed

  • Marketmaker
    1. Edited integration plan for our Marketmaker prototype and the current Marketmaker implementation, the plan discusses how we could integrate our technology with theirs.
    2. Tested out current marketmaker version and opened Jira issues (MM-134, MM-135, MM-136). MM-134 deals with adding GWT.log statements where there are currently only stacktrace prints in the code. This will be useful for debugging any future issues that come from marketmaker users. MM-135 deals with IE8 and one or two other browsers drawing point data black and ignoring styling information. MM-136 deals with point data floating on the map until another layer is changed or turned on/off, this issue is only see in in Chrome and Safari.
    3. Resolved MM-135, this issue is now fixed.
    4. Worked on MM-136, I narrowed this issue down to a problem with using a google map as the background layer, if yahoo maps is set as the background layer, the problem does not occur, a map option for Google Maps as the background layer must not be getting properly initialized, some more work will need to be done to eliminate this mapping problem.
    1. Obtained and activated Teragrid account, logged into the system and obtained a grid certificate.
    2. Teleconference with Shawn and Jong on April 21 to discuss our ideas for going forward with the KISTI project and what Shawn had in mind before he left.

Work Planned

  • Work on Marketmaker go forward plan and test current marketmaker to open issues that will need to be addressed as part of the deployment of the software
  • Work on KISTI project if I get a teragrid account before the end of the week. Also, we plan to talk with Shawn to get his thoughts on what he had planned for KISTI and to see how it meshes with Jong and my thoughts for possible ways to move forward.


This week went as planned. Next week I will continue working with Marketmaker and addressing issues, I'd like to get the logging implemented. I also intend to run the CFD code on teragrid to get familiar with running jobs there and how to run jobs through PTPFlow.

Work Completed

  • MarketMaker
    1. MM-127 showing the summary table created extra white space at the bottom of the web browser. This issue is fixed
    2. Closed remaining Marketmaker issues that had been fixed previously MM-99 and MM-124
  • KISTI issues
    1. Released version 0.4 of MarketMaker
    2. KNSG-2 - setup SVN repository and establish trunk/branch/tags directories.
    3. Created google document to gather ideas for KISTI project, including features/views from current/past projects that might be interesting to use for the KISTI science gateway. Projects that were looked at include MAEviz, PTPFlow and Bard/Medici. I shared this document with Jong and briefly talked with Shawn to get his thoughts on possible directions he was thinking about before he left for PNNL. I downloaded Medici source code and started to use it briefly to understand what Bard pieces were being used in the project.
    4. Created plugin edu.illinois.ncsa.kisti.sketches for storing design sketches.  I also created a simple mockup with wireframe sketcher to start thinking about what the application will look like.
    5. Attended Friday morning KISTI meeting using google voice chat

Work Planned

  • Finish remaining Marketmaker issues and release version 0.4
  • Start brainstorming ideas for KISTI science gateway project.
  • Attend Friday (April 16, 2010) KISTI meeting using google voice chat.


This week went as planned.

Work Completed

  • Worked on MarketMaker project
    1. MM-99 - change existing table model and table widget to use a google incubator widget called PagingScrollTable that includes a tablemodel. This work took a few days to convert everything to the new model. We improved the performance of the application by upgrading an OpenLayers class that allowed for bulk loading of selected features whose attributes are then displayed in the table. It limited the number of rendering calls for the table.
      1. MM-85 - the new table mode allowed us to limit the number of visible rows per table page to avoid long scrolling tables.
      2. MM-118 - changed the census table to use the new table model and table widget for display
      3. MM-119 - added a summary option to the table widget panel that allows users to get a summary of the table attributes. This replaces the old separate panel we had that always calculated and showed statistics in a separate tab. Users can now select a summary on demand that is displayed in a popup window.
      4. MM-124 - allow users to change the visible columns.
  • No substantial work was done on KISTI this week.

Work Planned

  • Work on MarketMaker project, deadline for completion is set for April 15, 2010.
  • Work on learning tools for KISTI project if time permits.


This week went as planned.

Work Completed

  • Met with Al Rossi and Jong Lee for a Siege/Elf/Ogrescript workshop in Champaign on Wednesday, March 31, 2010.

Work Planned

  • Meet with Al and Jong for Siege workshop


This week went as planned. I took personal days on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.