Work Completed

  • Worked on final statement of work for Market Maker project which was submitted on December 7.
  • Had a meeting with Jong on Google Chat to discuss how to proceed with the Hurricane ERC proposal. I also started drafting some text for that proposal.
  • Finished initial work on saving shapefile styles to the Data Catalog and restored them when visualizing the shapefile. I had to make some minor modifications to the DataCatalog API, which I cleared with Shawn.

Work Planned

  • Assist Jong in putting final Statement of Work together for Market Maker project.
  • Assist Jong in writing the Hurricane ERC proposal. We are to write the first draft of Thrust 4.
  • Work on Data Catalog to save visualization parameters (e.g. saving styles for shapefiles) and restoring them when visualizing.
  • Work on ideas for possible CDI proposal.


This week went as planned. We successfully obtained the Market Maker project, which will begin January 3, 2010. The KISTI budget includes the money requested for our planned project so we just need to finalize that SOW and we should also have that project. This week I will continue to assist Jong in writing the Hurricane ERC proposal and work on adding more of the functionality that MAEviz requires from the DataCatalog. I took half a personal day on Thursday.